
Growing together.

Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.

Beacon Youth
Middle and High School (6th through 12th grade) students participate in the Beacon Youth Group on Sunday evenings from 5:00 to 6:30.  In addition to a welcoming social gathering, the youth leader encourages Christian development through guided lessons and discussion.

There are many upcoming exciting events planned for the Beacon Youth, including:

  • Weekly Sunday Evening Gatherings for Worship, Instruction, Fun & Fellowship 
  • Twice Monthly (Summer Months) Bibles, Bagels, and Beaches - a morning at the beach
  • Monthly Service/Mission Projects
  • Monthly Fun & Fellowship Outing - including Sports Games, Movie Night, Camping, Lock-in
  • Dedicated Youth Room to hang out with peers and leaders
  • Sunday night Worship in the Chapel 

Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.

Our LUMC youth are collecting toys for a “PEACE ON EARTH” Christmas Party sponsored by Norfolk area churches on December 17th. These toys will be distributed (along with food, meals, and a living nativity) in the Huntersville neighborhood of Norfolk.  Buy one or as many toys as you wish to donate and bring them to our church by Wednesday, Nov. 10. (To get ahead of the Christmas shopping supply chain and make sure the organizers can purchase toys still needed after donations arrive).