Director of Children’s Ministries
Larchmont United Methodist Church (LUMC) is seeking a Director of Children’s Ministries. The Director of Children’s Ministries is a part time position for up to 20 hours per week including Sundays. Pay is up to $25,000 annually depending on qualifications. The Director of Children’s Ministries works with the Lead Pastor and the Education Committee to provide Christian based education and events, plan and execute year-round family oriented and holiday events, coordinate Sunday School and nursery leaders/workers, manage acolyte/crucifer services, manage vacation bible school, support church events.
Please send resume and interest letter to
Director of Youth Ministries
Larchmont United Methodist Church (LUMC) is seeking a Director of Youth Ministries. The Director of Youth Ministries is a part time position for up to 10 hours per week with most hours on Sundays. Pay is up to $12,500 annually depending on qualifications. The Director of Youth Ministries works with the Lead Pastor and Education Committee is responsible programming, events, communication, and Christian mentoring for 6th – 12th graders.
Please send resume and interest letter to