
Vacation Bible School
Heroes Everywhere!

A super time for all our children heros this summer.

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

Sunday School
Sunday School begins at 9:30am (after the "8:35LIVE" modern worship service). This gives our families the ability to attend the service of their choice… 8:35am or 10:30am. Adult Sunday School is offered at the same time as the classes for children. Methodists have a long tradition of believing in the importance of Sunday School.  John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist movement in eighteenth-century England, was deeply concerned about the process of shaping persons into Christians. Wesley recognized that persons of all ages should be taught what Christians believe and how Christians live.

Sunday School classes are age-specific from age 2 through 5th grade. The nursery is available during the Sunday School hour.

2 year olds through Pre-K
The 2s through pre-k class meets in room E-103. This class uses a multi-sensory approach to sharing the story of our faith. The children learn through centers, Bible stories, movement, music, interactive play, sensory play, and art. Our curriculum is written by our own Linda Lilly who has over 40 years of teaching experience!

Kindergarten through 5th Grade
The Kindergarten through 5th Grade class meets in room E-201 (Great Room). This class helps our elementary students see, hear, and live their belief in God. Each Sunday is filled with stories, games, music, and crafts all designed to help our children grow to know God better.

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