“The Power of ‘It Is Written’” 10:30 AM Service Live Stream

Mar 19, 2023    Pastor Fran Cooper

Worship Series for Lent -- Jesus in the Wild

There is, perhaps, no more unusual story in the Gospels than the story of Jesus in the wilderness (Luke 4:1-14). The story of Jesus in the wild is another name for those untamed places where we confront temptation and evil along our own journeys. Our focus for these six sermons will have implications for understanding our own calling in the world, and what it means to start with who and whose we are before we talk about what we do.

Each sermon will focus on one lesson we can learn from the story of Jesus in the desert and has the goal of moving the disciple toward hope: hope that recognizes that Jesus understands what it means to be in a place of vulnerability, coming out of his wilderness season “in the power of the Spirit” (Luke 4:14).