“A Call to Return to our First Love” 10:30 AM Service Live Stream

Jan 8, 2023    Pastor Fran Cooper

Taking Stock and Making Changes That Matter

Lessons From the 7 Churches of Revelation

This series is a challenge to us and our church community to resist a life of distraction or indifference and passionately embrace the life God wants for us. In this series, we’ll consider how we’re living: holding onto what’s good and repenting when God makes us aware of our need to change. We’ll dive into the messages Jesus had for first-century Christians at seven different churches, also known as “The Seven Churches of Revelation.” You may wonder, “What does an ancient church have to do with me?” A lot. As we look at Revelation chapters 2-3, each church is commended for its strengths and instructed in areas where it needs to make changes. But this isn’t just ancient history. We, as Christians today, should learn from this instruction so we can understand how we need to live as a community of believers.