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2/23/25 - "Our True Priest" - 10:30 AM Service Live Stream

Feb 23, 2025

Pastor Dave continues to teach from the worship series "Prophet, Priest, King."

Think of the best Think of the best communicator you've ever heard - that person who wows you with their words, speaks straight to your heart, and convicts you with passion and sincerity. It might be a politician, a preacher, a professor, or a teacher. Who is the most loving person you've ever met? Someone who makes everyone feel encouraged, who knows how to show love to all kinds of people, and who naturally meets others' needs. It might be a grandparent, a Sunday School teacher, but probably not a politician. Now, think of the most powerful person that you know, like an athlete or person with strength who puts everyone else to shame in the gym. It's likely that you did not think of the same person for all three characteristics. Jesus is the Only One who has embodied all three of those characteristics perfectly and fully. Jesus lived with a phenomenal ability to speak, an incredible compassion for others, and a powerful authority about Him. Jesus' three characteristics are His offices of Prophet, Priest, and King. As we gather around lessons from scripture, we will learn how he speaks to, transforms, and rules over each of us through his unique plan of grace.